Written by on 17/10/2022

Radio North Angus is the local commercial radio operating on a voluntary basis. Our transmitters broadcast at Arbroath on 96.6FM, Carnoustie on 107.5FM, Monifieth on 105.9FM, at Brechin, Forfar, and Montrose, on 87.7FM, and Kirriemuir on 107.9FM. We also broadcast on the Tayside DAB at certain times of the day, and broadcast worldwide, with an app facility, from our website
We are delighted to announce the opening of a studio within Brechin Community Campus for the benefit of the High School, voluntary organisations, businesses, and the people of the town.

Since 1996, pupils from schools in Arbroath, Carnoustie, Monifieth, and Montrose have been recruited to present weekly music programmes and the station is seeking S3, S4, and S5 pupils from Brechin High to be presenters (DJs).
The School’s Out programmes, broadcast between 4.00pm and 6.00pm, Monday to Friday, afford a unique opportunity on British Independent Local Commercial Radio to present music radio shows. Programming at other times is available, and sharing with a school friend is possible.

The programmes are designed specifically for a teenage audience, whilst giving presenters the chance of personal development and to acquire media skills and gain self-confidence.

The voluntary service is regarded favourably by prospective employers and by University selection panels, and can be included as community service for all levels of the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, Saltire Awards, etc.
Certain members have proceeded to follow successful careers in broadcasting and journalism.

Presenting music programmes with RNA is novel, enjoyable, and fun.

Viewing the Brechin studio can be arranged, and pupils can be accompanied by a parent or carer.

Recruitment is also being conducted through the school facilities and contact can be made by e-mailing or contacting Mr A Bathgate, Head Teacher to whom we are grateful for his support.

Malcolm J B Finlayson
Managing Director
17 October 2022

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