NHS Tayside supports Organ and Tissue Donation Week

Written by on 18/09/2023

NHS Tayside is supporting Organ Donation Week from 18 – 24 September with information stands at Ninewells Hospital giving staff, patients and the public the opportunity to speak to transplant recipients, specialist nurses and consultants about Organ and Tissue donation.

More than 50% of Scots have already joined the Organ Donor Register. At any one time, due to a shortage of organs, more than 500 people in Scotland are waiting for an organ to become available to give them the transplant they desperately need.

This Organ Donation Week, (18-24 September) NHS Tayside will be encouraging people across Scotland to make their organ donation decision known and explain the importance of sharing your organ donation decision with loved ones to make it easier for them to honour a choice.

The information stand at Ninewells Hospital gives patients, staff and the public the opportunity to stop by to ask questions and receive information on organ donation Monday, Tuesday and Friday from 10am until 3pm. There will also be an opportunity for visitors, patients and staff to speak to transplant recipients about their successful transplants.

Kidney transplant recipient Lyn Kearney will be one of the hosts at the stand, a passionate tennis player who at 74 years old, recently won gold at the British Transplant Games. Lyn received a lifesaving kidney transplant from an anonymous donor in December 2017 and has lived a full and active life since.

NHS Tayside Consultant in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, Dr Pauline Austin said, “One organ donor can save or transform up to nine lives and transform even more by donating tissue. A donation changes not only the life of the recipient but also their family and friends.

“Organ and tissue donation remains an act of great generosity. It is important to discuss your wishes with your family and loved ones to ensure your decision is honoured.

“Many people think they would be unsuitable to donate organs and tissues because of medical history or lifestyle choices, but each potential donor is individually assessed and we need people from all ethnicities and backgrounds to register.”

Julie Booth, Specialist Nurse – Organ Donation said, “Recording and sharing your donation decision and your latest views is important, as this will make it easier for your family and friends to help ensure that your decision is honoured. They can also make sure any particular needs you have in line with your faith or beliefs are taken into consideration.

“If you die in the rare circumstances where organ and tissue donation may be a possibility, the doctors and nurses caring for you will discuss donation with your family as part of the end-of-life care discussions.

“Whatever you decide, it’s important to make sure your donation decision is known to your family and friends. Register your donation decision and find out more at www.organdonation.scot or call 0300 123 2323.”

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