Changes to how we recycle household waste at the kerbside are coming, including new glass recycling points.
In line with neighbouring councils, glass will no longer be collected in your grey recycling bin but will be required to be disposed of at glass recycling points.

The location of these new glass recycling bins will be selected to make it as easy as possible for residents to dispose of their glass.
We’re increasing the number of recycling points from 23 to around 190, and we need your help to make sure they’re in the most appropriate places. Ideally, they need to be where:
- people go regularly such as supermarkets, leisure centres and, village halls
- a pavement is wide enough for the bin to sit
- our vehicle can stop safely
- we have clear access to empty the bin – no steps or there is a drop-down kerb
- the bin is not directly next to someone’s home
You can help suggest places for our bins to go through the Engage website – Glass Recycling Points | Engage Angus
The initial outlay for the new service will be covered by external funding from the Scottish Government’s Recycling Improvement Fund. The service changes will help Angus save money, comply with future legislative changes, contribute towards tackling climate change and the Council’s Transition to Net Zero Action Plan: 2022 to 2030 and make our recycling services more consistent with our neighbouring councils.
What else is changing?
The new service requires residents to separate their recycling at the kerbside, with a new blue bin provided for paper and cardboard, and the grey bin continuing to accept plastic bottles and containers, and cans and cartons. These bins will be emptied every four weeks on the same day of the week two weeks apart, so no change to the overall number of bin collections or capacity for recycling.
The purple bin remains for non-recyclable waste, collected every two weeks. However, purple bins containing too many recyclable items may be tagged and left unemptied until the recyclables are removed and appropriately recycled.
Where bins are tagged and residents are struggling to recycle, they can discuss this with our recycling team.
By asking householders to sort more at the kerbside, the cost of processing our waste and recycling can be significantly reduced. Recyclables wrongly going in the purple bin alone costs Angus residents over £1 million per year, money which could instead be spent on other services.
In addition, the current food waste service will be extended to around 4,000 extra households, meaning less food waste going into the non-recyclable waste bin.
Bin changes will begin in June 2024 in Arbroath, Carnoustie and Monifieth areas with Phase 2 changes happening in Forfar and Kirriemuir in the Autumn, and Phase 3 taking place in Montrose and Brechin in the Spring of 2025.
Further information can be found at
Published on 17th April 2024