Month: April 2023

Heartstart Discovery offers two-hour training sessions in Emergency Life Support for members of the public. Being able to perform Emergency Life Support gives a casualty the best possible chance of […]

Call for Youth in Scotland. Ambassador role in literacy org Registrations are now open from today for young people in Scotland to be a local Youth Ambassador for the World […]

NATIONAL TRUST FOR SCOTLAND Public flag dedication ceremony of the new official Aberdeenshire flag held by The Lord Lieutenant of Aberdeenshire at NTS Castle Fraser on Saturday 22 April. Winning […]

Angus residents are being encouraged to have their say to improve health and wellbeing in their area by getting involved in an upcoming Live Better, Longer event. Hosted by Angus […]

Every day tens of thousands of Brits are unfairly handed parking fines: here’s how to fight them Despite the cost–of–living crisis leaving thousands of British families unable to eat, the […]

The Angus Prevention and Proactive Care Programme Group are committed to working with communities of Angus and a wide range of stakeholders to increase healthy life expectancy and reduce health […]

Hedgehog Awareness Week is organised by the British Hedgehog Preservation Society and takes place every year. It aims to highlight the problems hedgehogs face and how you can help them. […]

ANGUSalive were pleased to host a range of Community Sports Coffee Nights across Angus between 20 and 30 March 2023. The Coffee Nights provided an opportunity to bring together sports […]

We are an independent charity affiliated to the Riding for the Disabled Association. We provide equine therapy for children and adults living with disabilities and illness. The benefits for our […]

Theatre goers are in for a real treat this spring with a brand new production forming part of the Abbey Theatre’s programme. The Doacter’s Surgery has been written by ‘Beryl […]

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